
Sunny Shanghai: Magical Metropolis under the Blue Sky and White Clouds

Begin from late July, everyday the head will always be blue sky and white clouds. The sunny weather stirs my heart and tempts me to go outside, even though there is scorching sun.
In July and March of every year, Shanghai will witness its most days with blue sky and white clouds, which perhaps because of the typhoon. July and March are the months of plentiful typhoons. The increase of typhoons leads to the growth of typhoon clouds. The good weather will always make these shutterbugs’ hearts skip a beat and go out for a hunt of magnificent sceneries. Therefore, for those who are planing a Shanghai Xian tour, July and March are the best time.

Tourism Times published a passage as a full-page report which is themed as “ ‘Postcard’ Sky of Shanghai Shows Up — the most clear and enchanting sky in Shanghai this year”. The Shanghai of late July and early August is really nice so that it gives you a delusion of spending vacations on seaside. Photographers in Shanghai divide into a few groups and photographed the blue skies in downtown Shanghai and the blue sea in the suburb.

Unlike Shanghai, such good weather will be seldom seen in your Xian tour, due to the geographic location and other relative reasons.

